Москва - отзывы не модерируется не удаляются
Ажурный, мини-отель в Москве возле метро Сухаревская (оранжевая), Мира проспект, 1 Москва - отзывы клиентов, работников
Мира проспект, 1
Открыто круглосуточно
Сухаревская (110 метрах )

Побывали во всех апартаментах ажурного. Нам очень понравилось, хоть и вида из окна никакого нет. Вам открывают ворота, вы вьезжаете во двор спокойно оставляя своего коня, получаете ключи- и все. Пишите письма, вас нет! Все продуманно, чисто, уютно, только нет лифта, имейте это ввиду. Зато на небольшой кухне можно вполне разгуляться и удивить свою половинку приготовлением вкусняшки. Ощущение полной изолированности и радости от тишины, но осознания того, что выйдя на улицу, ты окажешься в стремительной Москве, утопающей в огнях, автомобилях и близ расположенных на сухоревке кафе и ресторанов.
This little hotel is conveniently located near metro station Sukharevskaya. It might not be obvious where to find it the first time (it's located at an inner court) but on the other hand the rooms are facing the court so the rooms are fairly calm. I've tried the rooms "Markiza" and "Bellini", they're both spacious and nice. Markiza is better for one or two persons -- it's got plenty of space and a simple kitchen area for breakfast and if you want to cook some yourself. Bellini, on the other hand, actually has two bedrooms(!), which is perfect if you are more than one person. I'm not certain if you have to pay extra for using both, you do if you want to be more than two people but otherwise the price is the same for 1 and for 2 people, very convenient. Both rooms have a somewhat dark interior design, but I can live with that. Since this is a small hotel they do not have a cafe/restaurant where you can eat so breakfast is conventiently brought to your room (you get a list with things to choose from). Breakfast quality is fair: I'm very happy with just a plate of oatmeal, I've tried the bread, which was a boring, and the eggs, which are fine; I can't really say anything about the rest. If you have any special requests they are happy to help out if they can. As for lunch and dinner htere are several places nearby. There is actually a café in the very same courtyard but I was never very attracted to it, so I haven't tried it. My favourite is instead Café Courvoisier which has some great "pasta kekka", a good greek sallad (though puritans might frown on the feta being served in one piece, but it tastes well) and, according to my friend, a good pasta carbonar (they have more than past and salad but I haven't tried anything else). Wifi is included but depending on which room you stay in the signal might be better or worse. I had trouble the first time, but since then (I've stayed there 3--4 times) it's worked fine. Not super fast but good enough for Skype. Funny thing is that they write the access code for the network in the instructions for the room, but not the name of the network so you have to guess or ask them, depending on how many networks you see (and the network name is not obvious in any way). All in all a pleasant stay if you want somewhere to live near Sukharevskaya.