Торгово-монтажная компания в Саратове, Московская улица, 52 Саратовская область Саратов - отзывы клиентов, работников

1 отзыв Действующее предприятие
Московская улица, 52
Открыто до 17:00, осталось: 4 ч. 12 минут
+7 (8452) 24-98-32


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The GEOPIN Service Laboratory was founded by a group of scientists of the big Scientific-Research Institutes of RF with the purpose of innovation techniques’ designing and application in oil and gas fields’ exploration. Strong relations with supervising authorities, so as with the data funds and archives, allow GEOPIN rendering assistance to its partners and Customers both in the Povolzhje region and in other regions of RF. GEOPIN possesses the modern production and technical base, elite staff of geologists, geophysicists, supervisors, engineers, designers, programmers, each of them having many successfully realized projects under their belts. GEOPIN staff includes 2 Doctors of Science and 5 Masters of Science. Some services are provided “on-line”, thus the optimal price/quality/efficiency ratio is reached. GEOPIN SUBDIVISIONS: GEOPIN Data – gathering, systematization and analysis of data in license areas, processing and interpretation of 2D/3D and log data, special processing PSDM and AVO, forecast of reservoirs using the unique authoring techniques, preparation of passports for deep drilling; GEOPIN Engineering – elaboration of projects on: HC reservoirs exploration and appraisal, wells’ drilling and recovery, reserves estimation; GEOPIN Exploration – outsourcing, consulting, supervising at all stages of exploration activities, TOTAL VIDEO CONTROL – organizing of video-monitoring over the Contractors’ operations; GEOPIN Complex – elaboration of specialized software, generation and filling of “Data Base”, data conversion: 2D seismic data – in 3D seismic data, graphic images in SEG-Y format; GEOPIN Design – designing of companies’ corporate style, drafts of advertising products design and production reports, generation and advancement of sites, as well as the exclusive souvenirs. GEOPIN Eco – monitoring of environment state and pollution, geo-ecological support of exploration activities, evaluation of the natural environment background state. PLANNED FOR OPERATION: GEOPIN NSS Geological engineering survey using the shallow seismic methodology. Work required for exploring of construction materials and underground water. GEOPIN Market Provision of trading facilities for advertising and purchase-and-sale of goods and services related to the oil-and-gas industry enterprises’ requirements. GEOPIN Event Organization of festive events and spare time for personnel of oil-and-gas enterprises: contests, games, advices, congratulations and many other things.